
Friday, April 8, 2016

How To Be A Good Leader With These 7 Prolific Steps

I, Vicente E. Garcia have worked for companies like SAP and HP and from that experience I can tell you that being a leader has a lot of benefits. From the power that is vested in you to the authority you have earned, being a leader in any forms (a manager, a boss, or a president) is a dream come true. But as they say, great powers come with great responsibility. With that, leaders also have some tough times. It can be really hard sometimes but as you overcome every obstacle, the more you feel grateful and gratified. To help you along the way, here are some qualities good leaders must have.

1.    Be a good team player
Great leaders know how to blend well with their teammate. They know how to work well with their teammates. As much as possible, good leaders first observe their team’s personality and culture. They know how to properly delegate people on what task they can excel. They manage to see each person’s strengths and weaknesses and try to manage it.

2.    Be vocal
Being authoritative is different from being bossy. Try to understand great leaders know how to deliver their message clearly in their team. They literally improve their speaking voice to be more believable and credible as they speak. They are not afraid to speak up that they are still sensitive about some information that should be kept private.

3.    Be organized yet spontaneous
Leaders plan ahead on both long-term and short-term goals based on the things they must do and the deadlines they must meet. They try their best to follow a time table so that work can be done properly. Nut aside from that, they know how to bring out their spontaneous side.

4.    Be a good listener
Always listen to your colleagues. Hear them out and have a healthy discussion. It is good that you know everyone’s side about one issue so that you can weigh properly your solution. You can also start meeting with sharing something personal, but not too much. In this way, they can see that you are just human too and care about their life and welfare too.

5.    Be responsible
Be responsible in all of your actions. If the team fails, do not blame it for them and own it up. If one person really did a mistake, don’t insult him or her in front of the whole team. Instead, talk to him or her personally. Besides from being responsible for your work, you must also be responsible for your team.

6.    Be a mentor
Do not be selfish about your ideas and experiences. Great leaders love to share their ideas with their team. Being a great mentor is the best thing about being a leader. Teams should grow and not be stuck in the middle. As a mentor, you could train more an individual and prepare him or her for the next step of their career. Let them flourish as your past mentors are to you.

7.    Reward your team
At the end of the day, your team just wants some recognition and a little bit of appreciation. Do not drag them down because if it wasn’t for them, you don’t have any people to lead. 

1 comment:

  1. Conoce un poco mas de la personalidad de las personas que forman parte de tu equipo.
